So far has been the greatest experience ever, I will do it all over again.
Miss Sarah has again weight, has two teeth, she's babbling a lot and she can stand we help. She's friendly and love to laugh.
If you have read other blogs, you probably have read this, but trust me is the truth (at least in my case), I feel that we have always been together, can't imagine my life without her. She has the biggest smile every morning when she gets up. She's a good sleeper.
One of my worries before coming home was her reaction towards the dogs, it was unbelievable at 3:00 in the morning six dogs together, they stood there in silence and she was like let me touch these things that are looking at me. Like she had saw them all her live.
Things she doesn't like are the car seat, stroller and her crib. But I hope she will come around.
As for people comments when they sew us together so far they ask me if her father is asian, I said yes and that's it.
When people found out that she's adopted they say: oh she's so lucky, but the truth is that, I'm the lucky one. Thank you God and my beloved angel in heaven for put us together.